Explore the Saint Elias Mountains

High, wild, remote, and icy—these are some of the words that describe the Saint Elias Mountains. They are the highest coastal mountains on Earth. Massive glaciers spill down their slopes, calving into the sea. But the Saint Elias Mountains are little-known because few people live nearby, a lack of road access, and an international border that divides them. They are neither here nor there.

I rendered this panorama to showcase a wild landscape in its entirety where human development is minimal. The sprawling Malaspina Glacier with its concentric rings of ice, rubble, and meltwater is front and center. I started this project in 2017 and then put it aside for four years. However, accelerating climate change brought newfound urgency to my mapping. I wanted to map this beautiful glacier while it still exists.

I hope that you find my panorama informative and inspiring.

Tom Patterson

May 28, 2021

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Terms of use

The Malaspina Glacier Panorama is in the public domain. You may use it any way that you want. You are not required to cite the map.

Contact me

I will periodically update the map. Please let me know about major features to include or any problems that you find.


Tom Patterson Bio

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Malaspina Glacier Panorama

Alaska / Yukon / British Columbia

Version 1.0, May 28, 2021