About the map

The labyrinthine waterways of southern Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego are difficult to comprehend. Having visited the region three times, I made this map to better see the places where I have been—and where I have yet to go.

This map is a departure from my normal work. It shows a vast area in a 3D perspective view complete with a curved horizon and a sprinkling of stars above. I chose this design to emphasize the extreme remoteness from the rest of our teeming world. The motto "Fin del Mundo" says it all.

I hope that you will find this map informative and useful.

Tom Patterson

August 24, 2024

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Last update: Version 1.02, August 28, 2024  Change log

Online viewing

RGB JPEG image

7,500 x 4,317 pixels

25 x 14.4 inches at 300DPI

7.2 MB

"Fin del Mundo"

Southern Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego

Additional files for mapmaking

Modifying the map

Layered Adobe Illustrator CC file and terrain art, 612.3 MB

Terrain art without type halos

TIFF, 259.5 MB

Contact me

I will periodically update the map. Please let me know about major features to include or any problems that you find.

Tom Patterson  Bio  Website

Terms of use

This map was made with geospatial data generously provided by others that require attribution. You are welcome to reproduce, distribute, or modify the map on condition that the sources are cited.

By downloading and using this map you agree that the map author (Tom Patterson) is not legally responsible for any errors that the map may contain. You are solely responsible for all problems that may arise from reuse of the map and distribution to third parties. Tom Patterson does not necessarily endorse the individuals or organizations that may use the map, nor does he endorse their positions on issues.

This tourist map is for general reference only. Do not use it for marine navigation, aerial navigation, or overland travel.

The printed map measures 127 x 73 centimeters (50 x 28.8 inches) at 300DPI

High-quality printing

RGB JPEG image

15,000 x 8,634 pixels

50 x 28.8 inches at 300DPI

24.3 MB

Data sources

Open Street Map, European Space Agency WorldCover, MapTiler, MERITDEM, Randolph Glacier Inventory, Google Maps, Apple Maps, Natural Earth, and Wikipedia.