Download Natural Earth |
Update: Check out for a new version of Natural Earth and matching vector data. |
Full-resolution (1.24 km) data: RGB TIF image and World File, plate carrée projection, WGS84 datum, 16,200 x 16,200 pixels (per hemisphere) Print the world 5.5 meters- (18 feet-) wide at 150 DPI |
Landcover only
Landcover, shaded relief
Landcover, shaded relief, water
Extras: Grayscale TIF images, 16,200 x 16,200 pixels |
Grayscale shaded relief:
Western hemisphere (40.2MB) Eastern hemisphere (64.5MB) Antarctic ice shelves and arctic multi-year pack ice: Western hemisphere (540K) Eastern hemisphere (436K) |
Downsampled (5 km) data: RGB TIF image and World File, plate carrée projection, WGS84 datum, 10,800 x 5,400 pixels (water version contains ETOPO2 bathymetry) Print the world 1.8 meters- (6 feet-) wide at 150 DPI |
Landcover only
Landcover, shaded relief
Landcover, shaded relief, water
Extras: Grayscale TIF images, 10,800 x 5400 pixels |
500-meter data of coterminous US: RGB TIF image and World File, plate carrée projection, WGS84 datum, 18,458 x 9,341 pixels (coverage: 15N to 57N, 52W to 135W) Print the coterminous US 3.1 meters- (10.3 feet-) wide at 150 DPI |
Natural Earth Poster: RGB TIF image, Robinson projection, generalized ETOPO2 bathymetric tints and relief shading, title and legend, 10,800 x 5,400 pixels Print the poster 1.8 meters- (6 feet-) wide at 150 DPI |
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